Black & White Caliente

14th December 2012

OMG Southampton ROCKED at our B&W Xmas party!

Soooooo many people, so much black and white (and even 50 shades of grey thanks to Celia Martin & Mike!)
The winners were Debbie Taylor as Miss Yin Yang – in hand-made skirt & perfectly balanced accessories! Richard Balmford with his own hand-painted QR code on his shirt, which when scanned via a phone, linked directly to the TLC website (GENIUS) and Amy Large and Hannah Swanborough as the Black & White Crusaders, complete with B&W horses, and a dual to the death (by balloon-sword,) where the Black Crusader conquered! You just had to be there to believe it!!

A MASSIVE thank you to EVERYONE who came, the wonderful Trevor Sweetlead & Heidi, an awesome set by DJ Anthony Hurlock and to Julian H J Loaring for all the great colour photos!! Wow – what a night …. and now this Snow Girl is in meltdown!!